How Patricia Manifested a $125,000 Casino Win with Visualization!
In this episode of Lottery, Dreams, and Fortune, Timothy Schultz interviews Patricia, a slot machine winner who believes she manifested her $125,000 jackpot at a casino! 🎰 Patricia shares her incredible story of how she used visualization, manifestation techniques, and meditation to attract this life-changing win. Discover her secrets to tapping into the power of the subconscious mind, including her experience with Wayne Dyer meditations and powerful "I Am" affirmations. If you’re interested in manifestation success stories, the law of attraction, and tips on how to manifest your own wins, this interview is a must-watch!
🔮 Learn how Patricia visualized her jackpot win and what steps she took before hitting the slot machine. Whether you’re a believer in the law of attraction or simply fascinated by stories of big casino wins, this conversation is full of inspiration, insights, and practical tips to help you on your journey.
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Meet your host, Timothy Schultz – a Powerball winner turned journalist! With Bullhead Entertainment, LLC, he's bringing you tales of triumph, with a focus on our mindset and the belief that anything is possible.
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Welcome to Latorre Dreams and
Speaker:Fortune. My name is Timothy Schultz.
Speaker:This is an interview with Patricia.
Speaker:We will put a link to the YouTube
Speaker:channel in the show notes if.
Speaker:You want to watch this interview.
Speaker:But without further ado, let's get.
Speaker:To the interview.
Speaker:So I am so excited to be
Speaker:joined here today by Patricia.
Speaker:We are keeping her last name private
Speaker:here for the sake of this interview,
Speaker:but she has such an extraordinary
Speaker:She won a recent
Speaker:massive slot machine
Speaker:prize of $125,000,
Speaker:but her story just starts
Speaker:there. So, Patricia, how
Speaker:are you doing today?
Speaker:I am doing wonderful.
Speaker:Thank you for having me.
Speaker:And I can't wait to share
Speaker:a little bit about who I am
Speaker:and my 125 K
Speaker:And it's just the beginning.
Speaker:It is so exciting.
Speaker:So you were in a casino
Speaker:recently and you won
Speaker:this prize. So what exactly
Speaker:happened and how did it happen?
Speaker:I just had
Speaker:gotten done with lunch
Speaker:with my mom and
Speaker:headed back home.
Speaker:And I thought to myself, Hey, I have
Speaker:a little bit of free play that the
Speaker:casino provided for me.
Speaker:So I thought, you know what?
Speaker:I'll just start and stop for
Speaker:a few minutes, use up my free play.
Speaker:I thought I was stopping for about
Speaker:15, 20 minutes and,
Speaker:well, you could say I ended
Speaker:up staying there a little longer
Speaker:than I thought I would.
Speaker:And yeah, within 10
Speaker:to 15 minutes of just
Speaker:playing at it was a second
Speaker:slot machine
Speaker:being there.
Speaker:I hit $125,000.
Speaker:So you can imagine me.
Speaker:I guess I'm staying longer now.
Speaker:And it took
Speaker:a little bit of time for them
Speaker:in the casino workers
Speaker:to cash out for me.
Speaker:But I.
Speaker:You could imagine I walked away a
Speaker:happy, happy woman
Speaker:that they very
Speaker:thankful and grateful
Speaker:for that win.
Speaker:That is incredible.
Speaker:And I know that you are very
Speaker:much into visualization
Speaker:and intuition and manifestation,
Speaker:which I want to get to in a second.
Speaker:But when you win a prize
Speaker:like that in a casino,
Speaker:at least in your experience,
Speaker:what was that like?
Speaker:What happens to balloons
Speaker:come down?
Speaker:Like what?
Speaker:What's what's the process?
Speaker:Well, for me, you know, after
Speaker:I won,
Speaker:I'm just kind of sitting there like
Speaker:for a little bit looking around
Speaker:like, okay, you know, I just won.
Speaker:And then I just waited for the
Speaker:casino casino workers
Speaker:to come up to me.
Speaker:Other people around me
Speaker:were like, Wait, does that say what
Speaker:I think it says?
Speaker:And I'm like, Yeah.
Speaker:So I think, you know, I sat
Speaker:there for a little bit and then
Speaker:no balloons.
Speaker:Not I will love balloons, Don't get
Speaker:me wrong. Maybe that'll be the next
Speaker:Yeah, I just sat there and
Speaker:took it in and
Speaker:I got approached by several
Speaker:several employees there
Speaker:first, you know,
Speaker:from security to
Speaker:move several floor workers
Speaker:over the course of
Speaker:an hour, I would say.
Speaker:And how do you want this?
Speaker:Do you want it in a check?
Speaker:Do you want it in cash?
Speaker:And do you want to take a little bit
Speaker:I had a worker.
Speaker:Would you like a drink?
Speaker:So you could see, you know, I.
Speaker:Here. Do you want to play a little
Speaker:bit more? But stay in this this
Speaker:area because we need to come and
Speaker:find you.
Speaker:So it took a little bit of time,
Speaker:but everybody was so
Speaker:friendly and kind and
Speaker:the people around me were just
Speaker:I think in a strange
Speaker:way, they were more shocked than I
Speaker:I think, you know, right before
Speaker:I hit the 125
Speaker:K, I
Speaker:had gotten a bonus
Speaker:in. The bonus happened within
Speaker:just a few spins.
Speaker:So and.
Speaker:They say, the casino
Speaker:slots, a lot of times they'll have
Speaker:little bonus plays where,
Speaker:if you get three of these spins,
Speaker:you get the bonus.
Speaker:Yeah. And then you have an
Speaker:opportunity to win
Speaker:a lot more.
Speaker:So within sitting at that
Speaker:machine, I hit that
Speaker:bonus round
Speaker:very quickly.
Speaker:It was with just a few
Speaker:So for me, I was like,
Speaker:okay, I got this.
Speaker:I'm looking up at the different
Speaker:amounts that I can win and like,
Speaker:progressive up there and that's not
Speaker:too bad.
Speaker:Then the other ones like the
Speaker:jackpot, the major, the match.
Speaker:See the miner.
Speaker:And then I looked at my bonus
Speaker:and I said, okay,
Speaker:I like that.
Speaker:And closed my eyes and
Speaker:did just a little visualization.
Speaker:It was just a few seconds.
Speaker:Visualize hitting the progressive
Speaker:And then I opened my eyes and
Speaker:just spun it. And then I
Speaker:had my camera out rolling already.
Speaker:And I was able to record
Speaker:the win
Speaker:on my phone.
Speaker:And after that, I'm like,
Speaker:all right. I was I think I was so
Speaker:peaceful and calm
Speaker:that I wasn't shocked at all
Speaker:because I
Speaker:just had played it through my mind.
Speaker:It wasn't like,
Speaker:no. I was just like, that's right.
Speaker:I just won.
Speaker:And it was just
Speaker:like a surreal feeling.
Speaker:But then such a calm feeling for me.
Speaker:And I had so many
Speaker:people coming up to me or looking at
Speaker:the screen and,
Speaker:you know, just they were in shock.
Speaker:And then, like a worker says, I hope
Speaker:this is life changing money.
Speaker:And, you know, just to see the
Speaker:support of those around me.
Speaker:And it's like a great
Speaker:feeling. It's really nice feeling
Speaker:while I'm telling them, you
Speaker:know, those people around me,
Speaker:anybody can do it.
Speaker:Not that just me, but
Speaker:thank you. I'm so grateful.
Speaker:And, you know, when I hit
Speaker:that large win I
Speaker:was just. Thank you.
Speaker:Thank you. Thank you.
Speaker:Thank you. Thank you.
Speaker:And, yeah, it was really
Speaker:Were you thinking the
Speaker:casino or the universe
Speaker:or who were you thinking first?
Speaker:I was thinking, God, you
Speaker:know, my beliefs.
Speaker:God in my faith are very important
Speaker:to me. So God,
Speaker:Thank you, God. Thank you, God.
Speaker:Thank you, universe.
Speaker:Thank you, universe.
Speaker:Thank you me for believing in me
Speaker:and believing I could, you know,
Speaker:attract this.
Speaker:You know everyone around me.
Speaker:Sure. The casino, Of course.
Speaker:You know, I.
Speaker:I was very grateful to the
Speaker:casino because without the casino
Speaker:being there, I wouldn't have won.
Speaker:And so really, every,
Speaker:you know, everyone and
Speaker:every buddy who thanked
Speaker:me, Thank you.
Speaker:So just grateful.
Speaker:I have such a grateful heart and
Speaker:appreciative heart.
Speaker:So for me, it's just like
Speaker:everyone in my path.
Speaker:Thank you. Thank you for those who
Speaker:believed in me.
Speaker:And yeah,
Speaker:it's just one of those fun
Speaker:for me in my path
Speaker:and in my journey. One of those fun
Speaker:stories that I can add to,
Speaker:okay, what's next
Speaker:for me? And I was so excited
Speaker:to be able to share
Speaker:with my close friends
Speaker:and my mentor that
Speaker:I had just been working with about a
Speaker:month. Hey, guess what?
Speaker:I'm I'm doing something right.
Speaker:It's attracting to me.
Speaker:And, you know, I'm putting in
Speaker:what I consider my
Speaker:work. And yeah, I'm
Speaker:just grateful and grateful
Speaker:for you to know that I can share
Speaker:this story with others and hopefully
Speaker:inspire them,
Speaker:as many people have done
Speaker:for me on your show.
Speaker:Well, I'm thankful for you being
Speaker:here today. But this
Speaker:win, I want to go back to this, when
Speaker:you mentioned
Speaker:that you've visualized or
Speaker:right before you
Speaker:spun it before
Speaker:this final one, is that correct?
Speaker:And if so, what were you visualizing
Speaker:or what were you feeling
Speaker:right before that happened?
Speaker:Right before it happened,
Speaker:I just visualized the
Speaker:jackpot win I
Speaker:just closed my eyes for a second.
Speaker:like I said, it was just mere
Speaker:seconds. I didn't sit there, you
Speaker:know, and it was just a very
Speaker:quick closed
Speaker:my eyes and pictured it happening.
Speaker:And I
Speaker:think one thing I did
Speaker:do before I even walked into the
Speaker:casino that adds probably
Speaker:to the story was right before
Speaker:going in in my own personal
Speaker:time. And what I do is
Speaker:I do do some meditative
Speaker:work and I'll listen
Speaker:to various meditations.
Speaker:And one of them that I
Speaker:listen to just for a few minutes, I
Speaker:didn't even get through The whole
Speaker:meditation was Wayne Dyer
Speaker:And I just sat
Speaker:in the car for maybe about three,
Speaker:3 to 4 minutes.
Speaker:And just as a part of that
Speaker:meditation about, you know,
Speaker:jackpot winning.
Speaker:So, you know, after
Speaker:that, like I said, I went
Speaker:in the casino and
Speaker:this was. The second machine that I
Speaker:had played that had hit.
Speaker:And after that,
Speaker:you know, I said, like you said, at
Speaker:the machine and
Speaker:during the bonus,
Speaker:right before that last minute, I
Speaker:just closed my eyes and pictured
Speaker:it happening, the people around me
Speaker:and yeah,
Speaker:and really it
Speaker:was just me picturing it and
Speaker:it happens.
Speaker:So I was like
Speaker:I said, I think I was more at
Speaker:peace with it in that so
Speaker:shocked because
Speaker:it was, you
Speaker:know, I have tried different
Speaker:things, different times
Speaker:and this one was fast.
Speaker:I didn't have to put in a lot of
Speaker:time. I didn't, you know, sit there.
Speaker:No, it was just a quick little
Speaker:Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding,
Speaker:ding. And then.
Speaker:And you have won several other
Speaker:things, too, but that I want to talk
Speaker:about in a little bit.
Speaker:But this Wayne Dyer
Speaker:it's a lot of people listening or
Speaker:watching this today are
Speaker:into this and it's very interesting.
Speaker:What exactly
Speaker:were you when
Speaker:you're in the car listening to this,
Speaker:what is are you training yourself
Speaker:to visualize
Speaker:wealth or a jackpot
Speaker:or what did you
Speaker:what was that? And then
Speaker:when it actually did happen,
Speaker:you said it was surreal and then
Speaker:you were relaxed.
Speaker:Was the expect how did the
Speaker:expectation compare
Speaker:what actually happened?
Speaker:First, the first question is,
Speaker:with the meditation
Speaker:that I did just before going
Speaker:into the casino,
Speaker:basically during this meditation,
Speaker:you visualize
Speaker:or picture in your mind
Speaker:what it is that your desire or
Speaker:wanting to attract in mind was
Speaker:jackpot win.
Speaker:So I was, in my mind
Speaker:just thinking jackpot, win,
Speaker:jackpot, win.
Speaker:And then in the middle there's
Speaker:silence and you go
Speaker:and it's like a prayer
Speaker:to God, actually.
Speaker:And there's also affirmations
Speaker:during the meditation,
Speaker:during the meditation that I
Speaker:But really my focus was on
Speaker:abundance and a jackpot win
Speaker:and a jackpot win is what I
Speaker:what I ended up attracting.
Speaker:And so that first and foremost,
Speaker:I think great question because I
Speaker:did put in that focus
Speaker:meditative work with the jackpot
Speaker:And then let's
Speaker:see. Moving to the second question
Speaker:is in my mind,
Speaker:I think because I had already
Speaker:prepared and okay,
Speaker:jackpot win I got to
Speaker:however it's going to come,
Speaker:I was calm probably
Speaker:because I had focused
Speaker:on that being
Speaker:what it was I wanted to attract.
Speaker:So when it happened, I was like,
Speaker:There's my jackpot win.
Speaker:you know, thinking about it before
Speaker:it happens,
Speaker:it's like if you're hungry
Speaker:and you're like, I can't wait
Speaker:to have this, and then you're
Speaker:thinking about it and then all you
Speaker:get it and you're like, that's
Speaker:That's like, for me, I'm like,
Speaker:Jackpot win.
Speaker:There it is.
Speaker:That's awesome.
Speaker:Can be anything.
Speaker:Maybe it's a new purse that somebody
Speaker:wants or maybe it's a new car.
Speaker:You think about that thing before
Speaker:you you receive it
Speaker:in and then
Speaker:it's just like, okay, I thought
Speaker:about this before receiving it.
Speaker:And then it's.
Speaker:It's just like, Yeah, okay,
Speaker:this is great. I love it.
Speaker:How to do this more.
Speaker:This is fun.
Speaker:Like what else can I do.
Speaker:And to me also I think
Speaker:I share this with you.
Speaker:I also two months prior
Speaker:had another jackpot
Speaker:win same casino.
Speaker:And with that I had done
Speaker:just a little meditation
Speaker:right before going in to
Speaker:in this I believe was the third
Speaker:machine I hit and I had one
Speaker:within 10 to 15 minutes of
Speaker:showing up there, too.
Speaker:Yes. I'm not, you know,
Speaker:in that
Speaker:one I was like, that was my
Speaker:first one. That was like, okay,
Speaker:doing something right.
Speaker:How much more.
Speaker:Than that was 18
Speaker:And can I tell you, if you don't
Speaker:mind me sharing this and this is
Speaker:where I made a connection for myself
Speaker:in my own, you know, meditative work
Speaker:and my prayer work, part
Speaker:of what I do with my.
Speaker:Tation and prayer and visualization
Speaker:and manifestation and
Speaker:is you know, you see
Speaker:it before it becomes
Speaker:3D reality and you feel it.
Speaker:Getting into that feeling state
Speaker:before you
Speaker:know it realizes.
Speaker:In my first
Speaker:major win
Speaker:I in my journal because I do
Speaker:you know daily affirmations
Speaker:I do things like mirror work I
Speaker:different just little techniques
Speaker:to help me get into the feeling
Speaker:state. Well,
Speaker:during my first win,
Speaker:part of who I am that when I
Speaker:am blessed, you know, I enjoy
Speaker:blessing others and creating
Speaker:that ripple effect.
Speaker:Well, in my journal
Speaker:I would write down
Speaker:like gifts to people my loved,
Speaker:you know, loved ones in my life,
Speaker:friends, many different
Speaker:people in my life.
Speaker:And I would
Speaker:also focus on
Speaker:18 grand because
Speaker:that's what you can gift tax people
Speaker:because they're getting taxed.
Speaker:So it was fascinating
Speaker:when this came full circle for me
Speaker:because at first I
Speaker:was like, okay, I'd write down, you
Speaker:know, names of people in my life and
Speaker:I'm like, okay, what can I, you
Speaker:know, donate on a larger
Speaker:scale when I win
Speaker:to people?
Speaker:And I was writing down their names
Speaker:with this 18 grand
Speaker:and I would write
Speaker:pretend checks and,
Speaker:you know, that was part of my prayer
Speaker:work. Well, then all of a sudden
Speaker:and in couple of months ago,
Speaker:I won.
Speaker:And I'm looking at the number going,
Speaker:That's 18 grand.
Speaker:And a light bulb went on for me
Speaker:and it clicked. And I'm like, Well,
Speaker:I've been praying in prayer
Speaker:form or meditative, you know,
Speaker:manifestation work just
Speaker:came back to me.
Speaker:And an amount that that
Speaker:for me was like, I
Speaker:better start putting hiring efforts
Speaker:But you know, and I think like with
Speaker:that, that was like
Speaker:my first larger win couple
Speaker:months ago and then
Speaker:well thank you.
Speaker:I guess in my heart, you know, I was
Speaker:praying and wanting
Speaker:for others that
Speaker:then it came back to me
Speaker:and then we're here now and
Speaker:I have 125
Speaker:K win that
Speaker:I can add to my repertoire
Speaker:of wins.
Speaker:So like I said, just
Speaker:Yeah, that is awesome.
Speaker:And you mentioned just the
Speaker:beginning, but you actually have
Speaker:been winning prizes throughout your
Speaker:life. You we spoke on the
Speaker:phone briefly before this, and
Speaker:you mentioned that you felt like a
Speaker:lucky person throughout your life.
Speaker:What are some of the other things
Speaker:that you've won?
Speaker:One of my first big wins,
Speaker:and I'd say it was a combined win,
Speaker:was I think I
Speaker:probably just out of
Speaker:being, you know, like a college
Speaker:My best friend
Speaker:and I at the time, we were like,
Speaker:I heard on the radio, you can win a
Speaker:So I was like,
Speaker:We got to stop at this furniture
Speaker:store and enter.
Speaker:And she's like, No, let's not waste
Speaker:our time. Let's not waste our time
Speaker:doing this.
Speaker:And I'm like, Come on.
Speaker:It's like, Well,
Speaker:let's just do this.
Speaker:And she's like, okay.
Speaker:Because it was me. And I always, you
Speaker:know, I thought anything was
Speaker:So we stop and she's like, you got
Speaker:to throw something, you know, in
Speaker:this bucket.
Speaker:And I'm like, Hey,
Speaker:anything's possible.
Speaker:And the irony here was
Speaker:we went into it saying, Whoever won,
Speaker:we're going to split it, right?
Speaker:Whoever wins this, we're splitting
Speaker:it. And she ends up getting
Speaker:this little like, thing in the
Speaker:bucket. And I laughed and said,
Speaker:And I and I was more of the athletic
Speaker:one because I played, you know,
Speaker:sports. And when I was younger
Speaker:and she's like looking at me going.
Speaker:I can't believe this.
Speaker:I'm like.
Speaker:See, it doesn't matter.
Speaker:So then we ended up showing up to
Speaker:this dealership, and it was a radio
Speaker:station and
Speaker:ended up winning the car.
Speaker:And she goes, I'll never doubt you
Speaker:again. She goes, I never
Speaker:thought this stuff is possible.
Speaker:And I said to that.
Speaker:And we ended up selling the car
Speaker:and splitting it, you know, the
Speaker:funds from it.
Speaker:Yeah, that was one of my for the
Speaker:first you could say we combined
Speaker:energies on that one and now I never
Speaker:doubt it again.
Speaker:And then
Speaker:I have one little weekend
Speaker:trips off the radio
Speaker:I won
Speaker:gift cards to restaurants
Speaker:before and
Speaker:tickets to several
Speaker:different things.
Speaker:And one of my other, larger wins
Speaker:was a trip to Mexico.
Speaker:That was a that was a wonderful
Speaker:time. I loved it.
Speaker:Great day about.
Speaker:I was
Speaker:my sister actually was like, you
Speaker:have to enter this.
Speaker:You know, your name is Patricia.
Speaker:I'm like, okay, of course.
Speaker:And I was on
Speaker:a vacation at the time.
Speaker:She had called me up and
Speaker:in a hotel room with a few of my
Speaker:friends, and I got a call from her
Speaker:and she goes, Hey,
Speaker:I do this. And I'm like, okay, what
Speaker:is it? She's like, Just do it.
Speaker:It's a trip to Mexico.
Speaker:So I'm sitting there on the phone
Speaker:with her and I'm like, okay.
Speaker:I sat there. I'm like, okay, I'm
Speaker:going to do this click.
Speaker:And then I just started entering it.
Speaker:And at the time I go to my friends,
Speaker:Hey, I'm going to win a trip right
Speaker:now. Just give me a minute and I'll
Speaker:be with you in a few minutes.
Speaker:But right now I got I got to enter
Speaker:well, a short while later,
Speaker:I won the trip to Mexico
Speaker:and we were in a five star
Speaker:They gave us two
Speaker:airport transfers.
Speaker:All the flight included an extra
Speaker:few hundred for spending money.
Speaker:And it was just a wonderful,
Speaker:wonderful time.
Speaker:Loved it. Great trip.
Speaker:It was a great win.
Speaker:That's all I can say.
Speaker:I had a fun time,
Speaker:all inclusive.
Speaker:Yeah, it was good.
Speaker:And was that through
Speaker:a contest that you just saw online
Speaker:and just.
Speaker:Interred. Where was that?
Speaker:The contest
Speaker:of tourism was running
Speaker:a contest
Speaker:for it was at the time
Speaker:Hurricane Patricia had gone through.
Speaker:So I think they're returning
Speaker:something that wasn't so positive
Speaker:into a positive.
Speaker:And they were bringing in,
Speaker:you know, just trying to
Speaker:bring in tourism for it.
Speaker:So, yeah, I
Speaker:entered that one.
Speaker:And thank you.
Speaker:Thank you. Mexico border tourism.
Speaker:I had a wonderful time and so did my
Speaker:But yeah, that was
Speaker:that was through, you know, them
Speaker:and just wonderful.
Speaker:They really took care of us
Speaker:and had a great time on that.
Speaker:And I also have one small,
Speaker:big jackpots to like
Speaker:I will say last
Speaker:I forgot about another one I
Speaker:did years ago.
Speaker:I want to. Bingo Jackpot.
Speaker:That was several grand.
Speaker:Wow that's that's it was
Speaker:like a super jackpot.
Speaker:Get this. And so many numbers.
Speaker:And you went,
Speaker:And haven't you won a couple
Speaker:lottery prizes as well?
Speaker:Yes, I have.
Speaker:I have.
Speaker:I have done
Speaker:I would say actually this year
Speaker:I won a few.
Speaker:You know, generally I'd win smaller
Speaker:amounts, but
Speaker:I'll share this one.
Speaker:Arthur. You know,
Speaker:I one of the things that
Speaker:I work on is abundance.
Speaker:And, you know, manifestation
Speaker:is as abundance and winning.
Speaker:And I think it's just who I am.
Speaker:I am a winner and
Speaker:I play the lottery.
Speaker:And I,
Speaker:I had a win that was
Speaker:first a $600 win.
Speaker:So you know something
Speaker:nothing to be shy about.
Speaker:And in my
Speaker:manifestation work,
Speaker:it's getting into that feeling
Speaker:state, you know, when you can get
Speaker:into the feeling state of doing
Speaker:it will, you know, I can
Speaker:come to you faster and you
Speaker:can realize it faster.
Speaker:So I ended up driving
Speaker:to our state lottery office
Speaker:just over an hour
Speaker:away, and I did a small meditation
Speaker:in the parking lot, actually.
Speaker:And within a week
Speaker:I won another
Speaker:$1,600 won
Speaker:and I got to go there and cash that
Speaker:I got to do more of those.
Speaker:So what was what was that
Speaker:This one just
Speaker:another. I've done Japa
Speaker:meditation one another way and I saw
Speaker:and the meditation,
Speaker:the all those are I'm connecting
Speaker:with those or something because I'm
Speaker:noticing a trend here.
Speaker:And I also I
Speaker:know sometimes I would do
Speaker:a Laura Silver silver
Speaker:If you're familiar with Jose Silva,
Speaker:I know like she has just a small
Speaker:one that's visualization and
Speaker:picturing it.
Speaker:Then it's already, you know,
Speaker:attracting and come to you.
Speaker:So I know I've done a few of those.
Speaker:Jodi Spencer I've done.
Speaker:I know sometimes, you know, there's
Speaker:not just one necessarily except
Speaker:a Wayne Dyer and hold it.
Speaker:I don't know, a while now.
Speaker:I'm going to continue that one that
Speaker:I'm connected. I don't.
Speaker:But yeah,
Speaker:I'll I'll you know, I've tried
Speaker:different things just so
Speaker:it doesn't become so routine
Speaker:and experiment with
Speaker:different, just small feeling
Speaker:state ones.
Speaker:And yeah, I
Speaker:was there and I'm like, all right,
Speaker:this is an
Speaker:And so you mentioned that you
Speaker:have practiced the Silva method,
Speaker:you have listened to Joe Dispenza
Speaker:and of course Wayne Dyer.
Speaker:And I also understand that you're in
Speaker:a group of
Speaker:people that someone
Speaker:is helping you as a mentor.
Speaker:All right. I want to ask about.
Speaker:But what with
Speaker:all of these things, what
Speaker:are a couple of the most
Speaker:important techniques
Speaker:or visualizations or things that you
Speaker:feel? Because you mentioned getting
Speaker:in the feeling state, What are you
Speaker:feeling before this happens?
Speaker:What advice would you give to anyone
Speaker:watching us to help them manifest
Speaker:whatever it is that they're seeking.
Speaker:First, that you are
Speaker:already what you
Speaker:want to be?
Speaker:And for me
Speaker:personally, I,
Speaker:I have done those little extra
Speaker:techniques. It's almost like in a
Speaker:way, I want to say acting.
Speaker:But it is where
Speaker:you have to feel it.
Speaker:And when you can feel
Speaker:it and impress your subconscious
Speaker:mind that
Speaker:I am that
Speaker:it's fascinating.
Speaker:You know, if I would have known this
Speaker:stuff when I was younger,
Speaker:I would have been hammered.
Speaker:And I think as I put in,
Speaker:you know, just the reading, the
Speaker:listening, the the work
Speaker:mental focus, which
Speaker:I had not done before when I was
Speaker:Yeah. And when things, you know, and
Speaker:I was always positive attitude and
Speaker:anything's possible.
Speaker:We're limitless. We give it
Speaker:everything. Yes.
Speaker:You know it's got all things are
Speaker:Just believe anything.
Speaker:Now I'm like, focusing and
Speaker:I am attracting,
Speaker:like, at a fast paced, fast
Speaker:And I'm doing
Speaker:things like techniques.
Speaker:I drove to the
Speaker:lottery office and I did
Speaker:just a small meditation there,
Speaker:and I was like, okay, this is what
Speaker:it feels like to win.
Speaker:And this is where, you know,
Speaker:the route I would take to get there.
Speaker:And so
Speaker:during those things, I,
Speaker:I ordered a large check off
Speaker:of Amazon that
Speaker:I could write
Speaker:that I, you know, wrote my name
Speaker:in and
Speaker:whatever, you know, amount
Speaker:at the time that I was focusing on.
Speaker:And I did you know, doing things
Speaker:like that, just
Speaker:that focus work has really
Speaker:changed a lot for me
Speaker:and what I'm attracting.
Speaker:I also ordered checks off
Speaker:of, you know, from my bank that
Speaker:I would okay, this is when
Speaker:this happens, this is how much I
Speaker:want to give to others, to bless
Speaker:others, because I'm blessed.
Speaker:And I also
Speaker:think all of the other little things
Speaker:I do journaling,
Speaker:you know, just writing down daily
Speaker:I am so grateful for whatever
Speaker:it is that you want
Speaker:to attract in your life
Speaker:or your desires.
Speaker:Writing that down.
Speaker:I'll do mirror work as well.
Speaker:Writing it down as if it's already
Speaker:Yes, I am so grateful.
Speaker:That's a that's the big key one
Speaker:to Tim.
Speaker:For me, it is already done.
Speaker:It is done already,
Speaker:you know? And it's just
Speaker:the when.
Speaker:And not giving up
Speaker:Because I know sometimes
Speaker:when I share my stories,
Speaker:you know, if someone right away will
Speaker:be like, I'm going to go do this.
Speaker:And then they're like, wow.
Speaker:And I'm like, No, no, no, no, no.
Speaker:It doesn't mean I'm always, you
Speaker:know, like every time I do
Speaker:something, it, you know,
Speaker:realizes and it comes.
Speaker:I said, No, you have to be
Speaker:You have to, you know, not
Speaker:give up and just say when the time
Speaker:is there.
Speaker:And it's, you know, it's you know,
Speaker:it's your time.
Speaker:It will.
Speaker:But persistence is a
Speaker:huge thing, especially
Speaker:in manifestation.
Speaker:And because, like
Speaker:I thought about it even in my own
Speaker:journey and I said if I would have
Speaker:been like, I have been doing this,
Speaker:you know, and studying and reading
Speaker:for the last couple of years,
Speaker:or I wouldn't be where
Speaker:I am right now.
Speaker:So every day I'm thinking
Speaker:I am this.
Speaker:I am healthy, wealthy and loud
Speaker:and blessed. And your
Speaker:They say we have about 60,000
Speaker:thoughts a day.
Speaker:Well, if you're feeding
Speaker:and fueling your mind
Speaker:with generally,
Speaker:you know, good thoughts
Speaker:and positive thoughts and how
Speaker:can I learn from
Speaker:from whatever situation I'm in.
Speaker:It's going you're going to
Speaker:it, you know, attract good things
Speaker:to you.
Speaker:And as I got stronger,
Speaker:you know, patience, I
Speaker:can even see in my own journey
Speaker:that when I was first started, you
Speaker:know, first started in studying what
Speaker:I do in manifestation, where
Speaker:I can see my growth.
Speaker:And I understand it now.
Speaker:And as I got stronger and knowing
Speaker:that I am
Speaker:feeling that you just got to feel it
Speaker:in the end.
Speaker:And one of the things that
Speaker:I also did was I
Speaker:went and looked at a couple of car
Speaker:dealerships before having my 125
Speaker:K win.
Speaker:Now, Yeah.
Speaker:And that happened within,
Speaker:I'd say, about a week before
Speaker:my big win, this win.
Speaker:And I said, okay,
Speaker:I like cup of cars and
Speaker:I'm a luxury
Speaker:Went into the dealerships looking
Speaker:around in the cars, the different
Speaker:models. And then I thought to
Speaker:myself, okay,
Speaker:you know, talk to the salesman.
Speaker:And within a few days,
Speaker:I could go out and buy one if I
Speaker:really wanted to.
Speaker:And just going
Speaker:and doing those things.
Speaker:Trust me, at first it felt like
Speaker:a little uncomfortable.
Speaker:I'm like.
Speaker:But I pushed myself
Speaker:to if I am this and
Speaker:I truly believe in what I do,
Speaker:then it doesn't
Speaker:matter. I'm going to go and do these
Speaker:things. And then now
Speaker:I have evidence that I'm
Speaker:doing something and
Speaker:it's here.
Speaker:And this group, such
Speaker:a wonderful,
Speaker:wonderful group
Speaker:is every Monday.
Speaker:They you know, it's
Speaker:speak things into existence and.
Speaker:This is just a group on
Speaker:Instagram or on social media
Speaker:or where is this?
Speaker:What is this.
Speaker:Clubhouse actually
Speaker:clubhouse open?
Speaker:No charge.
Speaker:It's free.
Speaker:And our group leader,
Speaker:his name was Fabio.
Speaker:And he is phenomenal.
Speaker:And he is
Speaker:an amazing mentor
Speaker:to myself.
Speaker:And I also work with him personally
Speaker:And he
Speaker:will inspire, you
Speaker:know, not only myself, but everybody
Speaker:who he is around.
Speaker:And he's I know this
Speaker:group has been going on for believe
Speaker:about four years.
Speaker:And I
Speaker:started listening in
Speaker:probably about, I would say
Speaker:maybe just under a year.
Speaker:And so
Speaker:many people stories of
Speaker:We have so many different
Speaker:backgrounds and all over the world.
Speaker:So it's really wonderful to
Speaker:hear everybody's
Speaker:manifestation stories.
Speaker:And it's like
Speaker:I like to call it church for
Speaker:And then, you know, and he
Speaker:is just a light in darkness.
Speaker:And I think that's all we come
Speaker:together like minded.
Speaker:Not everybody's going to understand,
Speaker:you know, manifestation.
Speaker:But once you start really,
Speaker:you know, just focusing and
Speaker:understanding that things,
Speaker:you know, it's
Speaker:not everything is as it appears.
Speaker:And it's
Speaker:And I love it.
Speaker:And he's a wonderful.
Speaker:It is fascinating.
Speaker:What is the name of that group
Speaker:called and what do you mean that
Speaker:not everything is as it appears?
Speaker:The name of the group was the How
Speaker:does not matter.
Speaker:And actually, Cynthia Stafford,
Speaker:a former guest, I believe, of yours.
Speaker:And she won 112 million
Speaker:in the lottery.
Speaker:She speaks often on it.
Speaker:She'll join the group.
Speaker:That's actually how I got introduced
Speaker:to the group because I would follow
Speaker:her on in
Speaker:like Twitter and stuff.
Speaker:And I was like, I got to listen to
Speaker:this. And then I've been listening
Speaker:every week, you know, since
Speaker:then. And now I can see in my own
Speaker:personal life, hey, things are
Speaker:happening faster and greater
Speaker:and larger amounts for me.
Speaker:And I think like with manifestation
Speaker:work there, there is a level
Speaker:of faith and belief
Speaker:that you step out
Speaker:and take basically, you know, it's
Speaker:a leap of faith not
Speaker:knowing you.
Speaker:You have to give up control
Speaker:in, in certain,
Speaker:you know, in aspects of your life.
Speaker:Because just because
Speaker:you don't see it now doesn't
Speaker:mean that things aren't working
Speaker:together for a greater
Speaker:good, you know, of your life or the
Speaker:And it's just
Speaker:when you know something and
Speaker:you truly believe something and you
Speaker:are something, then
Speaker:it has to come.
Speaker:And I think
Speaker:we grow up conditioned a lot
Speaker:of times, you know, in society
Speaker:to, okay, this
Speaker:is what something looks like, you
Speaker:know, work hard, you know,
Speaker:do this, do this, do this, do
Speaker:this. Well,
Speaker:our minds are so conditioned
Speaker:to, okay, if
Speaker:I want this, I have to do this.
Speaker:If I want this, I have to do this.
Speaker:Well, let's shake that all up.
Speaker:And there are different
Speaker:ways, you know, to attract things in
Speaker:life. And
Speaker:and this is one of them.
Speaker:And I'm living proof of that.
Speaker:And as I continue
Speaker:to do what I do and
Speaker:use my mind in such
Speaker:a different way, it's like,
Speaker:wow, this is really cool.
Speaker:It is.
Speaker:It is fascinating.
Speaker:And you mentioned Cynthia Stafford,
Speaker:and she has been a guest
Speaker:on this show a couple of
Speaker:times. She won 112 million
Speaker:Mega millions jackpot.
Speaker:And she's very much into
Speaker:So that's very interesting.
Speaker:But it has gone full circle.
Speaker:Good for you. Because you
Speaker:mentioned on the phone that I don't
Speaker:know if you saw one of those
Speaker:interviews, but
Speaker:you saw something on this channel
Speaker:on the YouTube channel for this
Speaker:podcast because some people are
Speaker:listening and you wrote down
Speaker:that you would be a guest on this
Speaker:show at some point.
Speaker:So what happened with that?
Speaker:I loved learning and
Speaker:part of that was
Speaker:something I wanted
Speaker:to learn from her.
Speaker:I said, what is
Speaker:it that some
Speaker:people do it or some
Speaker:people don't?
Speaker:What is the difference?
Speaker:You know, I believe
Speaker:you know that we're limitless.
Speaker:I believe anything's possible.
Speaker:So what is their story?
Speaker:How how did they
Speaker:this happened to them?
Speaker:So what I started
Speaker:doing and okay, I'm a winner.
Speaker:I've won things over my years
Speaker:and I have more winnings
Speaker:to come.
Speaker:And Cynthia inspired
Speaker:me. So I
Speaker:saw her interview
Speaker:on your show because I would follow
Speaker:and say, okay, she wrote a book
Speaker:and I'll never forget printing off
Speaker:her book when it was in print form
Speaker:before it became a paperback.
Speaker:And I was reading through it and
Speaker:studied, you know, what did she do?
Speaker:What was different about
Speaker:her that she was able,
Speaker:you know, to to manifest
Speaker:So I started studying
Speaker:the people who I
Speaker:wanted to model.
Speaker:And in doing so,
Speaker:I'm here right now.
Speaker:And I think
Speaker:I wrote down actually
Speaker:your your name because
Speaker:people who were on your show
Speaker:inspired me.
Speaker:And I listen to their stories.
Speaker:I'd you know,
Speaker:some of them I'd read about
Speaker:them. I'd read what they did,
Speaker:how they thought.
Speaker:And as I did that,
Speaker:it opened me up, you know,
Speaker:to several others.
Speaker:And I'm like, okay, there's
Speaker:something to this.
Speaker:And I'm learning it and I'm going to
Speaker:do it. And I didn't know
Speaker:I you can't force this.
Speaker:I just knew something.
Speaker:There's a there's a strong
Speaker:knowingness and belief
Speaker:and and
Speaker:it's not something that
Speaker:you can force.
Speaker:So I have two practices
Speaker:in and I'm here
Speaker:right now, and I wrote your name
Speaker:down in my journal that one day
Speaker:you would interview me
Speaker:because I had been inspired by
Speaker:others on your show.
Speaker:And I didn't know when,
Speaker:but I just knew that,
Speaker:you know, one day I would.
Speaker:And here we are.
Speaker:But remember, I'm going to be a
Speaker:repeat winner.
Speaker:You know
Speaker:that. I put that out
Speaker:That's amazing.
Speaker:That's amazing.
Speaker:And so incredible that you wrote
Speaker:this down, and now you are here
Speaker:and you are going
Speaker:to be I believe you're going to be a
Speaker:repeat winner.
Speaker:I mean, you already are.
Speaker:You've won multiple things in
Speaker:prizes, including this incredible
Speaker:recent slot machine
Speaker:when but you have this large
Speaker:check you mentioned earlier that you
Speaker:had ordered. Do you happen to have
Speaker:that? Is that like a large check
Speaker:they'll give you, like when you win
Speaker:the lottery with the photo op?
Speaker:What is this?
Speaker:We want to see this. Give me an
Speaker:array of feelings until
Speaker:I do those.
Speaker:Those things.
Speaker:So I ordered this off of Amazon,
Speaker:and it was just like, paid to the
Speaker:order of.
Speaker:And, you know, you can write in
Speaker:whatever you want.
Speaker:The dates are there.
Speaker:Wow. And it's just
Speaker:Yeah. You know, my pets are my
Speaker:audience some days because,
Speaker:you know, I'll I'll
Speaker:write in and just to get like,
Speaker:honestly, you get that feeling
Speaker:state and you're going to see
Speaker:whatever it is, you know, that
Speaker:you desire will attract to you.
Speaker:that's what I was working on.
Speaker:I'm working on my feelings here
Speaker:and all the little things that I can
Speaker:do to just feel it.
Speaker:Like I said, going in and seeing,
Speaker:you know, cars
Speaker:at the dealership, ordering
Speaker:checks, going
Speaker:to the lottery office and
Speaker:feeling that I am there
Speaker:and I've been there. And then I was
Speaker:there within, you know,
Speaker:just a short few weeks
Speaker:after that, collecting
Speaker:a small win.
Speaker:I was like, Yeah,
Speaker:it's so
Speaker:I can't explain everything.
Speaker:But what I can explain is what I do
Speaker:and what I'm doing
Speaker:is working and I
Speaker:am grateful and I'm thankful
Speaker:for that.
Speaker:You mentioned on the phone before we
Speaker:spoke, you said you don't.
Speaker:Have to chase it.
Speaker:It comes to you so you
Speaker:don't have to go after it.
Speaker:It comes to you.
Speaker:What do you mean?
Speaker:If you are and you
Speaker:know what you are,
Speaker:then it's going
Speaker:to be evident in
Speaker:your surroundings.
Speaker:Things will just happen.
Speaker:And it is just
Speaker:like I said, I'm not sure the
Speaker:But for me,
Speaker:I put in that focus where I put
Speaker:in that prayer work, that meditative
Speaker:work, that journal work, and it
Speaker:just appears and
Speaker:I never, you know, I don't know,
Speaker:like the when and wheres.
Speaker:But as I started,
Speaker:you know, as I get stronger in, in
Speaker:my in what I do,
Speaker:it's appearing faster
Speaker:and in larger quantities for me.
Speaker:And as I started working with my
Speaker:mentor just a month ago,
Speaker:I had my largest win.
Speaker:So just getting
Speaker:in the right state of mind
Speaker:and being open to receiving
Speaker:and not blocking yourself,
Speaker:you know, and just using those I am
Speaker:statements. I am statements are so
Speaker:you know, and I think there there is
Speaker:confidence in you.
Speaker:I've grown in confidence.
Speaker:I've been a confident person for
Speaker:most of my life.
Speaker:But in doing what I'm doing with
Speaker:manifestation work, my
Speaker:confidence has grown so much,
Speaker:especially in the last few months
Speaker:because it's, you know, what I'm
Speaker:attracting and
Speaker:I'm I'm going
Speaker:to keep persisting at
Speaker:it. And like I said, I
Speaker:know this is just the beginning for
Speaker:me and I am here.
Speaker:My biggest, you know, goals
Speaker:is to help others inspire others
Speaker:because I'm doing it.
Speaker:I'm you're seeing me in the process
Speaker:of doing this. You know, I've had
Speaker:wins, you know, when I was younger
Speaker:and over the years.
Speaker:But I'm it's
Speaker:getting you know, it's
Speaker:coming full circle for me, like you
Speaker:and I love it And yeah,
Speaker:I just love it.
Speaker:It's incredible.
Speaker:And you mentioned confidence
Speaker:because that's one of the things
Speaker:you're working on and
Speaker:you feel more confident and.
Speaker:I'm curious, what would
Speaker:you say to someone that
Speaker:is not so confident, someone
Speaker:that is a little disheartened?
Speaker:Maybe they're hoping to win a
Speaker:major prize or a prize at all.
Speaker:And they've been practicing
Speaker:manifestation and they are really
Speaker:trying and believing, but
Speaker:it's not happening and they're
Speaker:getting disheartened.
Speaker:What would you say to somebody
Speaker:if first.
Speaker:It's trust the process.
Speaker:Now, sometimes
Speaker:those are going to teach.
Speaker:There's something that we're going
Speaker:to learn in everything.
Speaker:And those moments
Speaker:of discouragement
Speaker:are there for a reason.
Speaker:We're not like I said, I don't
Speaker:always have a win,
Speaker:but a lot of my wins do outweigh
Speaker:the not wins.
Speaker:That's you know, you're just growing
Speaker:stronger. And as you grow stronger
Speaker:in in that type of manifestation
Speaker:work, it's going
Speaker:to happen.
Speaker:You will get stronger and, you
Speaker:know, try different things.
Speaker:Maybe you don't click with
Speaker:something, but you'll click with
Speaker:another thing and everyone's
Speaker:on their personal journey.
Speaker:We're all different people.
Speaker:We all have different, you know,
Speaker:So what might work
Speaker:or what meditation might work
Speaker:for one person maybe
Speaker:doesn't work for the next person,
Speaker:and that's okay.
Speaker:You know, I sat there 2 to 3 years
Speaker:trying different meditations.
Speaker:I really did it, you know, And I
Speaker:read many books.
Speaker:Power of Subconscious Mind was one
Speaker:of the first books that really,
Speaker:really opened my eyes to a lot.
Speaker:And just impressing, you know, like
Speaker:what you said. And it's
Speaker:it's okay.
Speaker:But ultimately just
Speaker:not giving up and
Speaker:knowing it will
Speaker:happen. It has to happen
Speaker:by law.
Speaker:And I believe something
Speaker:is going to happen. It will.
Speaker:And, you know,
Speaker:for whatever reason, maybe
Speaker:not, you know,
Speaker:this day or this day, but it will
Speaker:happen just like, you know, I've
Speaker:I've studied those.
Speaker:I'm now that and
Speaker:to not give up.
Speaker:But we need those days.
Speaker:We need those days.
Speaker:Also, they also help homeowners.
Speaker:And to say, okay,
Speaker:you know, I'm going to learn
Speaker:something from this right now.
Speaker:I think I love the saying
Speaker:back and the door shall open.
Speaker:Well, I keep knocking.
Speaker:I'm going to knock down that door
Speaker:and fill it open.
Speaker:And I keep, you know, seeking
Speaker:and finding it.
Speaker:And I
Speaker:truly, you know, my
Speaker:my knowingness, my belief
Speaker:is you have to have that ultimate
Speaker:And when you do, you're
Speaker:going to it's going to feel
Speaker:I walked away from a career
Speaker:that I wasn't fulfilling for me.
Speaker:And in doing so,
Speaker:I took a leap of faith.
Speaker:I had done something different
Speaker:than, you know, several
Speaker:years of every year, you know,
Speaker:working a normal job.
Speaker:I took a leap of faith.
Speaker:And in doing so, I said,
Speaker:If I truly believe this, then
Speaker:I'm not going to worry about it.
Speaker:I'm going to be taking care for it's
Speaker:going to be provided for.
Speaker:And once I did that,
Speaker:my leg.
Speaker:Okay. And
Speaker:I thought differently
Speaker:than I had ever thought before.
Speaker:And in doing that, though,
Speaker:look, I mean, I'm here right now
Speaker:and this is just within a short
Speaker:month or two.
Speaker:You know, I had a couple
Speaker:of wins and
Speaker:I, I can't even explain
Speaker:everything except
Speaker:it's working.
Speaker:And I love it.
Speaker:And it's so fun.
Speaker:So it's really changed your
Speaker:What have you done with the money
Speaker:from this latest win?
Speaker:Are you able to say and how has
Speaker:it changed your life?
Speaker:Well, I'm investing in it
Speaker:so I could multiply
Speaker:whatever, you know, wins.
Speaker:I have.
Speaker:you know, and I think like before,
Speaker:if even when I had
Speaker:a lot smaller amount and
Speaker:I still felt that
Speaker:I was wealthy.
Speaker:And I think even with you saying
Speaker:that, I want to remind anybody,
Speaker:listening is
Speaker:I'm not coming on here going,
Speaker:I have this win.
Speaker:No, no. I had a lot less
Speaker:in my checking account.
Speaker:Go ahead.
Speaker:So rent will be paid for next car.
Speaker:And with that.
Speaker:But I still didn't count
Speaker:the dollars.
Speaker:I really didn't.
Speaker:And I just felt I am this.
Speaker:I am this.
Speaker:I am, you know, abundant.
Speaker:I am wealthy.
Speaker:I didn't, you know, I wasn't.
Speaker:I wasn't. I've never been one of
Speaker:those people checking
Speaker:every little number.
Speaker:And I think that, you know,
Speaker:part of that detachment was
Speaker:know I'm this, and I keep telling
Speaker:myself I am this, I am this and this
Speaker:and this, and then it just came.
Speaker:And with that,
Speaker:you know, yeah, investments,
Speaker:like I said. So I can take something
Speaker:and multiply it.
Speaker:I was able to share
Speaker:some of the wins with my loved
Speaker:ones who are important.
Speaker:And I'm
Speaker:just having that peace
Speaker:of mind, which is really
Speaker:great, you know, a nice cushion to
Speaker:do those extra fun little things
Speaker:or take a trip here or there.
Speaker:And yeah, it's just
Speaker:it's peace of mind and
Speaker:putting it out there.
Speaker:Yeah. And with detachment.
Speaker:What do you mean by detachment?
Speaker:One little technique to
Speaker:Tim that I remember is
Speaker:speaking is
Speaker:an ATM technique.
Speaker:And, you know, regardless
Speaker:of what your checking account looks
Speaker:like or your savings account or any
Speaker:account looks like
Speaker:being able to go to the
Speaker:ATM and putting in
Speaker:an amount that you would like
Speaker:to take out, even even though
Speaker:your the physical
Speaker:account might not reflect it, you
Speaker:just visualize that.
Speaker:And so
Speaker:there is, in a sense,
Speaker:a detachment from
Speaker:the physical of what you see.
Speaker:Know And right now I have this
Speaker:physical form,
Speaker:part of manifestation work.
Speaker:And is
Speaker:understanding, okay, that might
Speaker:be here, but I am also
Speaker:So being able to say, okay,
Speaker:this is what I visualize having
Speaker:and with that is
Speaker:you know what you want and
Speaker:you, you know,
Speaker:put in that focus, energy work,
Speaker:the prayer work, and then you
Speaker:just say, okay, however, it's going
Speaker:to come whenever it comes.
Speaker:I know this is, you know, for
Speaker:me that I know who I am, I know what
Speaker:I am, and now
Speaker:I'm just going to let it come.
Speaker:It's really of control, too.
Speaker:But all those little techniques help
Speaker:with that. You know, the art of
Speaker:detachment and saying,
Speaker:I know this is going to be there.
Speaker:I know it will.
Speaker:I don't know how, but I know
Speaker:it's going to.
Speaker:And that's,
Speaker:like I said, going back to that
Speaker:strongest knowingness
Speaker:and belief of I am this
Speaker:and then just letting it flow
Speaker:to you naturally.
Speaker:And I think going with the flow is
Speaker:huge. Sometimes
Speaker:people can block
Speaker:themselves because of whether
Speaker:it be fears or
Speaker:it can be.
Speaker:There are so many different things
Speaker:that we have a belief of
Speaker:that, I can't leave this job
Speaker:because if I leave this job,
Speaker:no, I'm not going to be able to pay,
Speaker:you know, months from now.
Speaker:Well, guess what?
Speaker:And then I just let it flow
Speaker:And it didn't flow naturally to
Speaker:And I didn't
Speaker:worry about it.
Speaker:I didn't I don't worry about
Speaker:tomorrow because all we have is now,
Speaker:you know?
Speaker:So you're just not
Speaker:you just detach from it and you
Speaker:go with the flow.
Speaker:And sometimes if something
Speaker:might seem like a black
Speaker:we're fluid, we just go around
Speaker:it or above it or below
Speaker:it and things can
Speaker:be put in our lives for reasons
Speaker:that we might not understand now.
Speaker:But they're going to be part of our
Speaker:story in a greater story
Speaker:in the in the path, you
Speaker:know, and that the journey that we
Speaker:I love that.
Speaker:I love that.
Speaker:Thank you.
Speaker:And I once interviewed a
Speaker:scientist about this type of
Speaker:stuff, and he kind of compared it.
Speaker:One thing he said that resonated
Speaker:with what relate to with
Speaker:what you just said was how
Speaker:everything seems like
Speaker:it's going to go in a straight line
Speaker:from our perception.
Speaker:It seems like you're going to grow
Speaker:up to be this age, maybe get
Speaker:married, maybe do this,
Speaker:do that, graduate.
Speaker:You have these plans.
Speaker:But life doesn't go
Speaker:in a straight line.
Speaker:Usually for most people, it's all
Speaker:kinds of things and you have to go
Speaker:with the flow.
Speaker:So I found that very interesting.
Speaker:But what do you think about
Speaker:taking action steps?
Speaker:Because detachment and faith
Speaker:obviously are very important
Speaker:and a lot of people think about
Speaker:that. But the
Speaker:action steps, if you believe
Speaker:that you are something and then you
Speaker:actually take steps,
Speaker:I mean, to play the lottery,
Speaker:you have to buy a ticket, play
Speaker:responsibly, never spend more than
Speaker:you can afford to lose along with
Speaker:anything but.
Speaker:You have to take action steps.
Speaker:What is your opinion on that?
Speaker:Of course.
Speaker:And I think you hit it on the head
Speaker:even in saying, you know, only
Speaker:spend what you can afford to lose
Speaker:because control
Speaker:comes in when you really think about
Speaker:I got to buy all these.
Speaker:I'm going to force a win.
Speaker:I'm going to stay, you know,
Speaker:somewhere for hours.
Speaker:And I'm not going to you know,
Speaker:there's I think there's a balance
Speaker:and there needs to be a healthy
Speaker:balance because if
Speaker:you're trying to force and control
Speaker:something, well, then you're not
Speaker:relying on faith and you're not
Speaker:relying on knowingness
Speaker:and you're not relying on
Speaker:Matt Drew.
Speaker:You know, like I believe I am
Speaker:If you believe you are something,
Speaker:you don't have to keep going and
Speaker:going and going and going and going.
Speaker:You just naturally sit back, relax
Speaker:and enjoy the show.
Speaker:That's, you know, and
Speaker:with that, it's just like, okay, I'm
Speaker:Okay now, now
Speaker:come to me.
Speaker:And like I said,
Speaker:there is, I think, especially a
Speaker:manifestation work
Speaker:on becoming yourself an
Speaker:You know what you are
Speaker:and you know what you desire and
Speaker:you are are already that.
Speaker:But then also realizing
Speaker:to release it and
Speaker:not naturally try to control
Speaker:it. So it sounds
Speaker:like a double edged sword, right?
Speaker:Like you said. Well, you don't want
Speaker:to keep I'm going to go out and buy,
Speaker:you know, so many tickets
Speaker:and become to a point where it's
Speaker:obsession of like
Speaker:If I believe I am a winner.
Speaker:I can buy five.
Speaker:And guess what?
Speaker:That should.
Speaker:That's enough. You don't have to
Speaker:go overboard because
Speaker:then you're trying maybe,
Speaker:you know, in a different way to
Speaker:control the outcome.
Speaker:So and I think with
Speaker:that, it's just
Speaker:if you are something, it's
Speaker:going to happen.
Speaker:And that's where I think for myself,
Speaker:as I, you know, have been winning.
Speaker:I was I was just
Speaker:calm and I was just at peace with
Speaker:it. And when I did, I was just like,
Speaker:yeah, that's right.
Speaker:I know what I am and
Speaker:this is fine.
Speaker:It's just a different confidence
Speaker:with it. And so,
Speaker:That makes sense.
Speaker:Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker:And if you could
Speaker:come down here and talk to
Speaker:Let's say 10 or 20, let's
Speaker:say 20, 20 years ago.
Speaker:Come down here and
Speaker:tell yourself this is the most
Speaker:important piece of advice
Speaker:for manifesting your life.
Speaker:What is it?
Speaker:Focus and make
Speaker:it clear intention
Speaker:and what it is you want.
Speaker:And I think knowing
Speaker:what you want, sometimes
Speaker:people might be like, I want this,
Speaker:or I'd like to have this.
Speaker:Or if it is abundance or
Speaker:love, you know, just
Speaker:knowing what
Speaker:it is that you desire.
Speaker:Making that clear intention
Speaker:and then
Speaker:doing the little techniques
Speaker:that will help you get into that
Speaker:feeling. State of the end.
Speaker:As you know, this is the in the
Speaker:living in the end feeling in the end
Speaker:and you know not
Speaker:not give it believing anything is
Speaker:possible because it really is
Speaker:and you might have
Speaker:some people who will be like
Speaker:and then you go watch me
Speaker:and be living proof for them
Speaker:I think what we do
Speaker:and we'll inspire
Speaker:so many other people and there's so
Speaker:many people who I think,
Speaker:you know, like your show has
Speaker:inspired me.
Speaker:We can show by
Speaker:example people
Speaker:might not understand everything,
Speaker:you know, and I'm learning myself.
Speaker:Once you can show others,
Speaker:they're going to say, Hey, what's
Speaker:different? Something's different
Speaker:about them.
Speaker:Why is that happening for them?
Speaker:I asked that same question, and I'm
Speaker:here right now.
Speaker:And as I studied
Speaker:and I put in that work, it is
Speaker:work like your mind
Speaker:You know, you have to redirect
Speaker:yourself. You want to be on those
Speaker:high vibes, you want to still
Speaker:have a belief, you're going to have
Speaker:doubts and that's okay.
Speaker:You're going to say, like you
Speaker:said, I have friends.
Speaker:I didn't win this.
Speaker:And I'm like, okay, really?
Speaker:This is like your first time buying
Speaker:something in
Speaker:like, you know, months,
Speaker:which it could happen.
Speaker:Don't get me wrong.
Speaker:It can happen for anybody at any
Speaker:time, you know,
Speaker:But just just
Speaker:to keep going and
Speaker:believe it, know it
Speaker:and just persist
Speaker:in it. And the more that you do,
Speaker:you're going to grow stronger.
Speaker:It's momentum, just like
Speaker:a snowball.
Speaker:You just don't know.
Speaker:Might start little, but you push it
Speaker:down the hill and it keeps rolling
Speaker:bigger. And that's like
Speaker:That's like faith.
Speaker:That's, you know, in the work
Speaker:like this.
Speaker:So, you know, and when
Speaker:those good things do come to you,
Speaker:bless others because it is a ripple
Speaker:You know, we're here to
Speaker:help each other and
Speaker:do those little things that,
Speaker:you know, you're going to be different,
Speaker:be a light in the darkness.
Speaker:And, you know, ultimately
Speaker:I want people look at me and smile
Speaker:and that makes me happy.
Speaker:It doesn't matter if that's people
Speaker:who know me or random strangers
Speaker:that I just happen to cross paths
Speaker:with, you know, on the on the
Speaker:And once in a while I might pay,
Speaker:you know, coffee drink for
Speaker:the person behind me.
Speaker:And then, you know, that brightens
Speaker:every day. That brightens their day.
Speaker:We never know what somebody's
Speaker:needing in life, but what we can do
Speaker:is just put forth what we are
Speaker:and those good things.
Speaker:So what are your thoughts on
Speaker:the subconscious mind?
Speaker:Because you've spoken a lot about
Speaker:visualizing and feeling
Speaker:it. What about the subconscious?
Speaker:Are you acting as
Speaker:if when you have the big check
Speaker:and how does
Speaker:that affect your subconscious
Speaker:mind? Which is.
Speaker:Sure, when I,
Speaker:you know, am working
Speaker:on my subconscious mind,
Speaker:it is the feeling state for me
Speaker:and trying to impress the
Speaker:subconscious mind, which
Speaker:is a neutral which is
Speaker:in a neutral state
Speaker:what I am or that
Speaker:I've already won.
Speaker:It's going to,
Speaker:you know, make it that much more
Speaker:So when I'm
Speaker:yeah, I won and,
Speaker:you know, jumping up and down
Speaker:it, you know, my
Speaker:it's going to be my it's going to
Speaker:believe it.
Speaker:with that I think one of the biggest
Speaker:things is like even dream states
Speaker:before I go
Speaker:to bed I will
Speaker:think, okay, or I'll watch
Speaker:things or I'll listen to things that
Speaker:help me get into that,
Speaker:you know, impressed my
Speaker:subconscious mind.
Speaker:So I have had dreams
Speaker:that I won.
Speaker:What I've won
Speaker:and won.
Speaker:Something that you've won in
Speaker:real life.
Speaker:I mean. Well, reality.
Speaker:I have had a dream that I won
Speaker:100 grand.
Speaker:No, not 125, but 100 grand
Speaker:before a few of those actually,
Speaker:within this, you know, within
Speaker:the last several months,
Speaker:you know, happened to come in
Speaker:in our casino platform.
Speaker:But I did to have that
Speaker:and I have I have had dreams,
Speaker:you know, and just like I said,
Speaker:right before bed,
Speaker:I'll think, all right, listen, the
Speaker:things about
Speaker:So then I'm like,
Speaker:okay, let me try this.
Speaker:Like I said, I mentioned
Speaker:trying different things, you know,
Speaker:just to just to
Speaker:imprint that.
Speaker:And it worked.
Speaker:I believe it did work.
Speaker:And it's like what we tell
Speaker:ourselves or what we're able to
Speaker:believe and know.
Speaker:And dreams,
Speaker:I think, are always fascinating.
Speaker:They always what I read is it's
Speaker:the last thought before bed.
Speaker:And I know that
Speaker:I believe Thomas Edison used
Speaker:to sleep with something
Speaker:in his hands. So he would be between
Speaker:like the conscious state and,
Speaker:you know, like a deep sleep cycle
Speaker:when he was looking at,
Speaker:you know, creating and inventing.
Speaker:So sometimes,
Speaker:you know, I think there is something
Speaker:to that. I've also read
Speaker:in and people who,
Speaker:you know, written songs or had
Speaker:inspiration for movies
Speaker:or people have dreamt of
Speaker:different lottery numbers.
Speaker:So with that,
Speaker:there's got to be something more
Speaker:than maybe we understand,
Speaker:because I do believe that
Speaker:inspiration can come
Speaker:through in,
Speaker:you know, dream states.
Speaker:Our bodies
Speaker:and our minds are always working.
Speaker:We don't have to tell our bodies to
Speaker:When we get a cut, it heals.
Speaker:So with that, our minds
Speaker:are always working too.
Speaker:And part
Speaker:of what I study with manifestation
Speaker:and the subconscious mind is
Speaker:if I'm able to impress
Speaker:on that, I'm a winner, then
Speaker:it's got to come.
Speaker:I love it. And that is really
Speaker:And I love all
Speaker:of that. Seems very wise.
Speaker:Is there anything that you wanted to
Speaker:say today that I haven't asked
Speaker:yet or that you just wanted to say
Speaker:I'm just.
Speaker:can do it.
Speaker:And I think that's one thing,
Speaker:because I,
Speaker:you know, have friends or I have
Speaker:people in my lab and, I'm
Speaker:not so nervous.
Speaker:And then I'll start
Speaker:thinking this.
Speaker:You can tell yourself this.
Speaker:I am statements instead of I,
Speaker:you know, that's not who I am.
Speaker:That's not who I am.
Speaker:And and
Speaker:I've been able to positively
Speaker:influence some people in my life.
Speaker:And then I'll be like, I'm starting
Speaker:to say this now. And I'm like, yes.
Speaker:And then they're like, I feel they
Speaker:feel lighter.
Speaker:And it's just like sunshine coming
Speaker:in. Because what we ultimately
Speaker:tell ourselves and the way we talk
Speaker:to ourselves, you know, and
Speaker:self-care in how
Speaker:we interact with each other is
Speaker:so powerful.
Speaker:And, you
Speaker:know, regardless of what happens in
Speaker:life and just to
Speaker:keep that positive, you
Speaker:know, try to keep on that positive
Speaker:attitude of, okay, I
Speaker:don't know why this happened, but
Speaker:I'm going to learn something from
Speaker:it. And maybe this has,
Speaker:you know, directed me to a different
Speaker:path or a different route or, like
Speaker:you said, being fluid.
Speaker:Sometimes we think
Speaker:things should be this way, but
Speaker:really, life is going to teach
Speaker:us a whole nother lesson.
Speaker:And it's the joke
Speaker:because there gets a point
Speaker:where we have to just understand let
Speaker:go of control.
Speaker:And when you let go of
Speaker:control and
Speaker:you know you have that strong faith
Speaker:or you you grow in it
Speaker:and you have that growth mindset
Speaker:is so important
Speaker:that you everyone can do
Speaker:You really can.
Speaker:We're limitless and
Speaker:we're creators.
Speaker:And I think that's something that
Speaker:some people, you know, who
Speaker:don't have a lot of confidence
Speaker:and just need those little boosts.
Speaker:You know what?
Speaker:Everyone has talents.
Speaker:Maybe you haven't, you know, tapped
Speaker:into what those talents were.
Speaker:But we all do.
Speaker:And, you know, it's
Speaker:taking just knowing that
Speaker:we can hold anyone's,
Speaker:you know, anything's possible.
Speaker:We can create anything we want.
Speaker:And I.
Speaker:I love that.
Speaker:And it's true.
Speaker:Anything is possible.
Speaker:That is one of the themes of this
Speaker:And have fun with that.
Speaker:You know, people go to have fun
Speaker:and relax and enjoy
Speaker:it. You know, like you said,
Speaker:we got to laugh, too.
Speaker:Don't be afraid. I told you,
Speaker:sometimes my pets are my audience
Speaker:while I'm holding up my winning
Speaker:my winning big Shaq.
Speaker:Yeah. And you just it's
Speaker:like a child. You have to have fun
Speaker:with it. Use your imagination
Speaker:for good in fun and
Speaker:put out love out there and kindness
Speaker:and, you know, look
Speaker:for the good and everything.
Speaker:I'm getting one of those.
Speaker:I love that.
Speaker:I love that so much.
Speaker:Well, we definitely would
Speaker:love to have you back another time
Speaker:in the future, so.
Speaker:Yeah, but thank
Speaker:you very much, Patricia, for
Speaker:your time today.
Speaker:Your story is very inspiring,
Speaker:as is your mindset, and I really
Speaker:appreciate you sharing it here
Speaker:Thank you. And I appreciate you
Speaker:taking the time and talking
Speaker:to me and letting me share my story
Speaker:so far
Speaker:with you and everyone else.
Speaker:And I hope that
Speaker:this inspires
Speaker:anybody listening.
Speaker:Thank you.
Speaker:Thank you.
Speaker:So that was my.
Speaker:Interview with Patricia.
Speaker:Now, what did you think of this
Speaker:Let me know your thoughts by
Speaker:commenting under the YouTube
Speaker:video for this interview.
Speaker:We will put a link to it along with
Speaker:all the other important links
Speaker:in the show notes.
Speaker:As always, remember anything
Speaker:and everything is possible.
Speaker:Thank you so much for listening
Speaker:today and thank you for your